Application of Derivatives

First Derivative Test for Maxima and Minima

Here you will learn first derivative test for maxima and minima with examples. Let’s begin – First Derivative Test for Maxima and Minima If f'(x) = 0 at a point (say x = a) and  (i) If f'(x) changes sign from positive to negative in the neighbourhood of x = a then x = a …

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Maxima and Minima Class 12

Here you will learn definitions and concepts of local and absolute maxima and minima class 12. Let’s begin – Maxima and Minima Class 12 Local Maxima  A function f(x) is said to have local maxima at x = a if there exist a neighbourhood (a – h, a + h) – {a} such that  f(a) …

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Increasing and Decreasing Function

Here you will learn what are increasing and decreasing function with examples. Let’s begin – Increasing and Decreasing Function Strictly Increasing Function A function f(x) is said to be a strictly increasing function on (a, b), if \(x_1\) < \(x_2\) \(\implies\) \(f(x_1)\) < \(f(x_2)\) for all \(x_1\), \(x_2\) \(\in\) (a, b) Thus, f(x) is strictly …

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Equation of Tangent and Normal to the Curve

Here you will learn equation of tangent and normal to the curve with examples. Let’s begin – Equation of Tangent and Normal to the Curve We know that the equation of line passing through a point \((x_1, y_1)\) and having slope m is \(y – y_1\) = m\((x – x_1)\). and we know that the …

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