Complement of a Set โ€“ Venn Diagram and Examples

Here you will learn what is the complement of a set definition with venn diagram and examples.

Letโ€™s begin โ€“

Complement of a Set

Definition : Let U be the universal set and let A be a set such that A \(\subset\) U. Then, the complement of A with respect to U is denoted by Aโ€™ or \(A^c\) or U โ€“ A and is defined the set of all those elements of U which are not in A.

Thus, Aโ€™ = {x \(\in\) U : x \(\notin\) A}

Clearly,ย  x \(\in\) Aโ€™ย  \(\iff\)ย  x \(\in\) A.

Venn Diagram :

complement of a set

Also Read : Formulas and Operation of Sets

Example 1 : Let the set of natural numbers N = {1, 2, 3, 4, โ€ฆ.. } be the universal set and let A = {2, 4, 6, 8, โ€ฆ.}. Then Aโ€™ = {1, 3, 5, โ€ฆ.}/

Example 2 : If U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} and A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, then Aโ€™ = {2, 4, 6, 8}.

Following results are direct consequence of the definition of the complement of a set.

(i)ย  Uโ€™ = {x \(\in\) U : x \(\notin\) U} = \(\phi\)

(ii)ย  \({\phi}โ€™\) = {x \(\in\) U : x \(\notin\) \(\phi\)} = U

(iii)ย  (Aโ€™)โ€™ = {x \(\in\) U : x \(\notin\) Aโ€™} = {x \(\in\) U : x \(\in\) A} = A

(iv)ย  A \(\cup\) Aโ€™ = U

(v)ย  A \(\cap\) Aโ€™ = \(\phi\)

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