If \({1\over 6}sin\theta\), \(cos\theta\) and \(tan\theta\) are in G.P. then the general solution for \(\theta\) is

Solution :

Since, \({1\over 6}sin\theta\), \(cos\theta\) and \(tan\theta\) are in G.P.

\(\implies\) \(cos^2\theta\) = \({1\over 6}sin\theta\).\(cos\theta\)

\(\implies\) \(6cos^3\theta\) + \(cos^2\theta\) – 1 = 0

\(\therefore\)   (\(2cos\theta – 1\))(\(3cos^2\theta\) + \(2cos\theta\) + 1) = 0

\(cos\theta\) = \(1\over 2\)       (other values are imaginary)

\(cos\theta\) = \(cos\pi\over 3\)  

\(\theta\) = \(2n\pi \pm {\pi\over 3}\),  n \(\in\) I

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