If the median of the distribution given below is 28.5, find the value of x and y.

Question :

Class Interval 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 Total
Frequency 5 x 20 15 y 5 60

Solution :

Here, it is given that median is 28.5

and n = 60

We now prepare the following cumulative frequency table :

Class Interval Frequency Cumulative Frequency
0 – 10 5 5
10 – 20 x 5 + x
20 – 30 20 25 + x
30 – 40 15 40 + x
40 – 50 y 40 + x + y
50 – 60 5 45 + x + y = 60
Total n = 60

Here, n = 60 So, \(n\over 2\) = 30

Since the median is given to be 28.5, thus the median class is (20 – 30).

\(\therefore\) l = 20, h = 10, f = 20 and cf = 5 + x

\(\therefore\) Median = l + (\({n\over 2} – cf\over f\)) \(\times\) h

\(\implies\) 28.5 = 20 + \(30 – (5 + x)\over 20\) \(\times\) 10

\(\implies\) 57 = 40 + 28 – x \(\implies\) x = 65 – 57 = 8

Also, 45 + x + y = 60

So, y = 7

Hence, x = 8 and y = 7.

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