
Nilpotent Matrix – Definition and Example

Here you will learn what is nilpotent matrix with examples. Let’s begin – Nilpotent Matrix A square matrix of the order ‘n’ is said to be a nilpotent matrix of order m, m \(\in\) N if \(A^m\) = O & \(A^{m-1}\) \(\ne\) O. Example : Show that A = \(\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 &  3 …

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Periodic Matrix – Definition and Example

Here you will learn what is periodic matrix with examples. Let’s begin – Periodic Matrix A square matrix which satisfies the relation \(A^{k+1}\) = A for some positive integer k, is called a periodic matrix. The period of the matrix is the least value of k for which \(A^{k+1}\) = A holds true. Note that …

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Formula for Inverse of a Matrix – Properties, Example

Here you will learn formula for inverse of a matrix and properties of inverse of matrix with example. Let’s begin – Formula for Inverse of a Matrix A square matrix A said to be invertible if and only if it is non-singular (i.e. |A| \(\ne\) 0) and there exists a matrix B such that, AB …

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How to Find Trace of Matrix – Properties and Example

Here you will learn how to find trace of matrix, its properties and what is orthogonal matrix with example. Let’s begin – Trace of Matrix The sum of the elements of the square matrix A lying along the principal diagonal is called the trace of A i.e (tr(A)).  Thus if  A = \([a_{ij}]_{n\times n}\), then …

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