What is ASA (Angle Side Angle) Congruence Rule ?

Definition : Two triangles are congruent if two angles and the included side of one triangle are equal to two angles and the included side of other triangle. This is Known as ASA Congruency. For given two triangles, AB = XZ , \(\angle\) A = \(\angle\) X and \(\angle\) B = \(\angle\) Z, then using …

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What is the Formula for Circumradius ?

Solution  : Circumradius Formula (R) = \(abc\over 4\Delta\) where R = radius of circumcircle described about a given triangle with sides a, b, c. \(\Delta\) = \(\sqrt{s(s – a)(s – b)(s – c)}\) and s = \(a + b + c\over 2\) where a, b and c are the sides of triangle.

Sector of a Circle Area and Perimeter – Formula and Examples

Here you will learn perimeter and area of sector of circle formula with examples. Let’s begin – What is Sector of a Circle ? The region bounded by two radii of a circle and the arc intercepted by them is called a sector of the circle. A sector is measured by the angle which its …

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Formula for Length of Arc of Circle with Examples

Here you will learn what is the formula for length of arc of circle with examples based on it. Let’s begin – What is an Arc ? Arc is a piece of circle. In the figure AB is an arc. The area OAB in the figure is called sector of the circle. Formula for Length …

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Area of a Circle and Semicircle – Formula and Examples

Here you will learn what is the formula for the area of circle and semicircle with examples. Let’s begin – Area of a Circle Formula Area = \(\pi r^2\) where r is the radius of the circle. Area of Semicircle Formula Area of Semicircle = \({1\over 2} \pi r^2\) where r is the radius of …

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Formula for Circumference of Circle (Perimeter) – Examples

Here you will learn what is the formula for circumference of circle (perimeter of circle) with examples. Let’s begin – What is Circumference ? The perimeter (boundary) of a circle is called its circumference. It is the distance covered by travelling once around circle. Formula for Circumference of Circle (Perimeter of Circle) Circumference of circle …

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