Distance of a Point From a Plane

Here you will learn how to find the distance of a point from a plane formula with examples. Let’s begin – Distance of a Point from a Plane (a) Vector Form The length of the perpendicular from a point having position vector \(\vec{a}\) to the plane \(\vec{r}\).\(\vec{n}\) = d  is p = \(|\vec{a}.\vec{n} – d|\over …

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Equation of Plane Passing Through Intersection of Two Planes

Here you will learn what is the equation of plane passing through intersection of two planes with examples. Let’s begin – Equation of Plane Passing Through Intersection of Two Planes (a) Vector Form The equation of a plane passing through the intersection of the planes \(\vec{r}.\vec{n_1}\) = \(d_1\)  and \(\vec{r}.\vec{n_2}\) = \(d_2\) is given by …

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Equation of Plane Parallel to Plane

Here you will learn equation of plane parallel to plane with examples. Let’s begin –  Equation of Plane Parallel to Plane (a) Vector Form Since parallel planes have the common normal, therefore equation of a plane parallel to the plane \(\vec{r}\).\(\vec{n}\) = \(\vec{d_1}\) is \(\vec{r}\).\(\vec{n}\) = \(\vec{d_2}\) where \(\vec{d_2}\) is constant determined by the given …

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Angle Between Two Planes Formula

Here you will learn how to find angle between two planes formula with examples. Let’s begin – Angle Between Two Planes Formula The angle between two planes is defined as the angle between their normals. (a) Vector Form The angle \(\theta\) between the planes \(\vec{r}\).\(\vec{n_1}\) = \(\vec{d_1}\) and \(\vec{r}\).\(\vec{n_2}\) = \(\vec{d_2}\) is given by \(cos\theta\) …

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Equation of Plane in Vector form

Here you will learn what is the equation of plane in vector form with examples. Let begin – Equation of Plane in Vector form The vector equation of a plane passing through a point having position vector \(\vec{a}\) and normal to vector \(\vec{n}\) is  \((\vec{r} – \vec{a}).\vec{n}\) = 0   or,  \(\vec{r}\).\(\vec{n}\) = \(\vec{a}\).\(\vec{n}\). Note 1 …

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