Square Function โ€“ Graph, Definition, Domain and Range

Here you will learn what is square function with definition, graph, domain and range.

Letโ€™s begin โ€“

Square Function

The function that associates a real number x to its square i.e. \(x^2\) is called square function. Since \(x^2\) is defined for all x \(\in\) R. So, we defined the square function as follows :

Definition : The function f : R \(\rightarrow\) R defined by f(x) = \(x^2\) is called the square function.

Also Read : Types of Functions in Maths โ€“ Domain and Range

Square Function Graph

The graph of f(x) = \(x^2\) is :

square function

Domain and Range :

Clearly, the domain of the square function is R and its range is set of all non-negative real numbers i.e. [\(0, \infty\)).

Domain : R

Range : [\(0, \infty\))

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