
Weighted Mean – Formula and Examples

Here you will learn what is weighted mean formula and how to calculate weighted mean with examples. Let’s begin – Weighted Mean Formula If \(w_1\), \(w_2\), ……\(w_n\) are the weights assigned to the values \(x_1\), \(x_2\), …..\(x_n\) respectively then their weighted mean is defined as Weighted mean = \(w_1x_1 + w_2x_2 +……+ w_nx_n\over {w_1 +…….+ …

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Formula for Mode with Examples

Here you will learn what is the formula for mode of grouped and ungrouped data and how to find mode with examples. Let’s begin – What is Mode ? Mode is the size of the variable which occurs most frequently. Formula for Mode : (i) For ungrouped distribution : The value of that variate which is …

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Formula for Median with Examples

Here you will learn what is the formula for median of grouped and ungrouped data and how to find median with examples. Let’s begin – What is Median ? Median is defined as the measure of central term when they are arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude. Formula for Median : (i) For …

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Mean Deviation About Mean and Median – Formula and Examples

Here you will learn what is the mean deviation formula with examples. Let’s begin –  Mean Deviation Formula (i) For Ungrouped distribution : Definition : If \(x_1\), \(x_2\), ….. , \(x_n\) are n values of a variable X, then the mean deviation from an average A (median or arithmetic mean) is given by Mean Deviation …

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Mean By Step Deviation Method and By Short Method

Here you will learn how to solve mean by using step deviation method and by short method and properties of mean. Let’s begin – Mean By Short Method If the value of \(x_i\) are large, then calculation of A.M. by using mean formula is quite tedious and time consuming. In such case we take deviation …

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What are Measures of Dispersion Statistics ?

Here, you will learn what are the measures of dispersion in statistics i.e. range, mean deviation, variance and standard deviation with example. Let’s begin – Measures of Dispersion : The dispersion of a statistical distribution is the measure of deviation of its values about the their average(central) value. It gives an idea of scatteredness of …

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