Straight Line

Formula for Circumcenter of a Triangle | Incenter of Triangle

Here, you will learn formula for circumcenter of a triangle and formula for incenter of a triangle. Let’s begin – Formula for Circumcenter of a Triangle It is the point of intersection of perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle. If O is the circumcenter of any triangle ABC, then \(OA^2\) = \(OB^2\) = …

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Centroid in a Triangle – Formula and Example

Here you will learn formula for centroid of triangle and how to find centroid in a triangle with example. Let’s begin – Centroid in a Triangle If A(\(x_1,y_1\)), B(\(x_2,y_2\)) and C(\(x_3,y_3\)) are vertices of any triangle ABC, then The centroid is the point of the intersection of the medians(line joining the mid-point of sides and …

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Family of Lines – The combined Equation of Angle Bisectors

Here, you will learn equation of family of lines and the combined equation of the bisectors of the angle between the lines. Family of Lines Equation If equation of two lines be P = \(a_1x+b_1y+c_1\) = 0 and Q = \(a_2x+b_2y+c_2\) = 0, then the equation of the lines passing through the point of intersection …

Family of Lines – The combined Equation of Angle Bisectors Read More »

Formula for Angle between Two Lines

Here, you will learn formula for angle between two lines, equation of straight line making an angle with a given line and reflection and image of a point in a line and also length of perpendicular from a point on a line. Let’s begin – Angle between Two Lines (a)  If \(\theta\) be the angle …

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