The following frequency distribution gives the monthly consumption of electricity of 68 consumers of a locality. Find the median and mode of the data and compare them.

Question :

Monthly Consumption 65 – 85 85 – 105 105 – 125 125 – 145 145 – 165 165 – 185 185 – 205
Number of Consumers 4 5 13 20 14 8 4

Solution :

Monthly Consumption of Electricity No. of Consumers Less than type cumulative frequency
65 – 85 4 4
85 – 105 5 9
105 – 125 13 22 = C
125 – 145 20 = f 42
145 – 165 14 56
165 – 185 8 64
185 – 205 4 68

Since \(68\over 2\) belongs to the cumulative frequency (42) of the class interval (125 – 145) therefore, it is the median class interval.

Lower limit of the median class interval = l = 125

Width of the class interval = h = 20

Total frequency = N = 68

Cumulative frequency preceding median class frequency = C = 22

Frequency of the median class = f = 20

Median = l + (\({N\over 2} – C\over f\))(h) = 125 + \(12\times 20\over 20\) = 125 + 12 = 137

The frequency of class (125 – 145) is maximum i.e. 20, this is the modal class.

\(x_k\) = 125, \(f_k\) = 20, \(f_{k – 1}\) = 13, \(f_{k + 1}\) = 14, h = 20

Mode = \(x_k\) + \(f – f_{k – 1}\over 2f – f_{k – 1} – f_{k + 1}\) = 125 + \(20 – 13\over 40 – 13 – 14\)\(\times\) 20

= 120 + \(7\over 13\) \(\times\) 20 = 125 + 10.77 = 135.77

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