The following table gives the distribution of the life time of 400 neon lamps. Find the median life time of a lamp.

Question :

Life time (in hours) Number of lamps
1500 – 2000 14
2000 – 2500 56
2500 – 3000 60
3000 – 3500 86
3500 – 4000 74
4000 – 4500 62
4500 – 5000 48

Solution :

First, we prepare the following table to compute the median :

Life time (in hours) Number of lamps Cumulative frequency
1500 – 2000 14 14
2000 – 2500 56 70
2500 – 3000 60 130
3000 – 3500 86 216
3500 – 4000 74 290
4000 – 4500 62 352
4500 – 5000 48 400

We have : n = 400 So, \(n\over 2\) = 200

The cumulative frequency just greater than \(n\over 2\) is 216 and the corresponding class is (3000 – 3500). Thus, it is the median class.

Here, l = 3000, cf = 130, f = 86 and h = 500.

Substituting these values in the formula,

Median = l + (\({n\over 2} – cf\over f\))\(\times\)h, we have :

Median = 3000 + \(70\over 86\) \(\times\) 500 = 3000 + 406.98 = 3406.98

Hence, median life time is 3406.98 hours.

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