The following table gives the literacy rate (in percentage) o f 35 cities. Find the mean literacy rate.

Question :

Literacy rate (in %) 45 – 55 55 – 65 65 – 75 75 – 85 85 – 95
Number of cities 3 10 11 8 3

Solution :

Let the assumed mean, A = 70 and class size, h = 10

So, \(u_i\) = \(x_i – 70\over 10\)

Literacy rate (in %) Mid-value (\(x_i\)) Frequency (\(f_i\)) \(u_i\) = \(x_i – 70\over 10\) \(f_iu_i\)
45 – 55 50 3 -2 -6
55 – 65 60 10 -1 -10
65 – 75 70 11 0 0
75 – 85 80 8 1 8
85 – 95 90 3 2 6
Total 35 -2

Mean = A + h \(\times\) \(\sum f_iu_i\over \sum f_i\)

= 70 + 10 \(\times\) \(-2\over 35\) = 70 – 0.57 = 69.43%

Thus, mean literacy rate is 69.43%

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